Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Adventure Continues

On Saturday, April 9, the Troop 62 Philmont crew headed out to do another part of the AT.  This overnighter started at Gathland State Park and headed for Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.  Our first day on the trail was a little different from that of our other outings because we only hiked for about two hours before we reached our camp sight.  This gave our crew plenty of time for exploring the area and fellowship.  For dinner that night, we had Lasagna followed by our favorite dessert, Raspberry Crumble.  The next day we got on the trail and continued down to Weverton Cliffs for some jaw dropping views.  After leaving the cliffs, we switchbacked down to Weverton Road.  From there, we made our way to the I-340 underpass and then to where the AT joins the C&O Canal Towpath.  From the canal, you can look up and see the cliffs above.  We followed the canal for a little more than a mile and braked for lunch.  After lunch, we hiked a short distance until we came to the footbridge that crossed the Potomac River, which was an old 1893 railroad trestle bridge.  We crossed the bridge into WV and from that point, the AT cut through historic Harpers Ferry.  Our trek ended at the Appalachian Trail Conservancy.  This 10 miler was the final segment needed for our crew to complete the entire 40.9-mile Maryland section of the Appalachian Trail.

Hiking through the clouds

Weverton Cliffs

It's a long way down


That was a close one

Our crew along the Towpath

On the footbridge

In front of John Brown's Fort

St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church

Only 0.2 mi left

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